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0074// Mathematical derivation for back pressure type pneumatic gauging system 's pressure - cle

13rd Jan 2017 | Guan Boon, Wong 

In this post, I going to share how to derive an equation for back pressure type pneumatic gauging system 's pressure - clearance characteristics curve.

Before we start hardcore math here.  Why we need to know pressure - clearance characteristics curve? 

  1. This gives us an idea why this system, jet recession is needed 

  2. This curve tell us it's linearity behaviour (Note : this curve equation is non-linear!!!) which is important for measurement applications 

  3. This curve 's equation tell us how nozzle and orifice size affect system behaviour 

Here we go!!!


Below shows a simplified  pneumatic gauge head (direct measure sensing member) :

return 0;

Tags :

# air gage  # air gauge  # air plug # pneumatic gauging # back pressure type  # pneumatic comparator measurements # pressure clearance characteristics curve # jet recession # mathematics # mathematical # linearity # Bernuoulli's Equation # Continuity Equation # Escape Orifice Area # Orifice # Nozzle # discharge coefficients 

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