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0093// Great Machining Videos for Non-Shop Floor Engineer

"Found an extra countersunk around a drilled hole on those machined parts in production floor. After investigation done by your machinist, feeling fluctuated because of you don't understand the root cause identified by machinist? "

If you not a machinist or personnel work in machine shop before, I believe you have this sort of bad experience when you facing an urgent quality issue but you don't understand the investigation report done by your supplier.

No worries. That is impossible for you understand and good in every mechanical fields even you are professional mechanical engineer. For example, I'm good in process control and dimensional metrology BUT I don't know how to write G code for CNC machining.

BTW, in this post, I will share with you some useful video available in Youtube to help you understand some basic knowledge for machining.

(Important Note: These videos come from GMT and below listed those links for the videos)

Chapter 1 - Basic Machine Anatomy, by Glacern Machine Tools

Chapter 2 - Basic Operation, by Glacern Machine Tools

Chapter 3 - CNC Mill Operation, by Glacern Machine Tools

Chapter 4 - Work Holding, by Glacern Machine Tools

Chapter 5 - Work Locating, by Glacern Machine Tools

Chapter 6 - Tool Holding, by Glacern Machine Tools

Chapter 7 - Face Milling, by Glacern Machine Tools

Chapter 8 - Choosing & Using Endmills, by Glacern Machine Tools

Chapter 9 - Drilling, Tapping, and Boring, by Glacern Machine Tools

(source for 1st picture in this post: )

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