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0093b// Why Metrology is so important in Continual Improvement?

26 May 2017 | Guan Boon, Wong 

Metrology is define as:

"the science of measurement, embracing both experimental and theoretical determination at any level of uncertainty in any field of science and technology " - International Bureau of Weight and Measure (BIPM) 

Sounds like complicated and hard to link to continual improvements. It's simply means technique of measurement in given tolerance level. 

Recently, one of my friend raised a concern the necessarity of Dimensional Metrology for some quality improvement projects because the team start exploring new measuring matrix to identify opportunities and breakthrough the current process. 

Therefore, in this post, we will discuss how Metrology play a main part in continual process improvement. To demonstrate the example, we will use DMAICR in Lean Six Sigma as our primary examples. 

DMAICR stand for Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control and Realisation. It's simply a flow of a continual improvements project in Lean Six Sigma. 

Define Phase :

In this phase, team establish the scope and purpose of continual improvements projects. So, why Metrology is Important here? You definitely need to perform some level of measurement in this phase to set up the baseline of your current process.  Inappropriate measurement method leading to incorrect baseline process expectation and finally lead your team go for unrealistic goal! 

Measure Phase :

Sound pretty obvious here. In measure phase team,  collect data which describes current process by using some tools such as process mapping and C&E matrix. For example, Metrology knowledge helps the team identify the proper tools when study feasibility of measure process input variable in later phase. 

Analyze Phase:

In this step, team focus on identifying critical input variable which can make a huge impact to the process. If there are in line inspection in production, then, understand how the measurement methodology works is important here. Misunderstood how it's work may lead to irrelevant DoE in improve phase. 

Improve Phase:

Team use Design of Experiments to get the y=f(x). However, important note here, no all DoE use complex mathematical techniques (eg, full factorial experiment). 

"An experiment is a test or series of tests in which purposeful changes are made to input variables of a process or system so that changes in the output responses can be observed and identified. " - Douglas C. Montgamen 

Therefore, by using Metrology knowledge to design a way to change and measure the input variable and measure the responses from the system will be very important here. 

Control Phase:

Team establish the control plan and implement the solutions here. Experienced metrologist able to help team design a manageable measurement method in your control plan. For example, if the cycle time for CMM measurements for each part is 15 minutes, but based on metrologist experience, this can done by functional gauge + micrometer within 3 minutes. Then, the team can go for functional gauge + micrometer measure those critical dimensions. 


Financial representative will measure the savings and key metrics to ensure improvements are sustainable here. These metrics all relying on reliable measurement systems. 

All in all, measurement almost happens in every continual improvements steps. Therefore, awareness for good quality measurements must in place to strive for organizational excellence! 

"If you can't measure it, you can't improve it. " - Peter Drucker

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